
Exploring Conversation Patterns in Autistic and Nonautistic Teenagers

What's the study about?

This study explores differences in the conversation patterns of autistic and nonautistic teens. We know that autistic teens sometimes use different strategies than nonautistic teens to make a conversation successful and we want to understand these differences.

Who can participate?

  • Must have a diagnosis of autism
  • Must be between 9-17 years old
  • Must be fluent in English
  • Must not have any hearing impairments

What will participants be doing?

Participants will come to the University of Houston for a one-time research study. They will have a couple conversations with other teenagers and complete some basic tests. The study lasts two hours and participants receive $30 for their time.

Why is this important?

We do not know very much about the differences in conversational patterns between autistic and nonautistic teenagers. We want to understand these differences so we can develop strategies that both autistic and nonautistic teenagers can use to have better conversations with one another.

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