2023 ASF Supported Findings

The following studies co-authored by ASF grantees were published in 2023. The grants awarded by ASF to fund these studies may have been distributed in years prior to 2023.

Biology and biomarkers

Huberty S, O’Reilly C, Carter Leno V, Steiman M, Webb S, Elsabbagh M; BASIS Team

PubMed ID: 36943905

ASF supported this research through the Baby Siblings Research Consortium.

Gender differences

Lai MC, Amestoy A, Bishop S, Brown HM, Onaiwu MG, Halladay A, Harrop C, Hotez E, Huerta M, Kelly A, Miller D, Nordahl CW, Ratto AB, Saulnier C, Super PM, Sohl K, Zwaigenbaum L, Goldman S.

PubMed ID: 37973254

ASF Chief Science Officer Alycia Halladay co-authored this publication.

Genetics, gene/environment interactions, and utility of genetic findings

Maloney SE, Sarafinovska S, Weichselbaum C, McCullough KB, Swift RG, Liu Y, Dougherty JD

PubMed ID: 37426756

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to Simona Sarafinovska.

Yen A, Mateusiak C, Sarafinovska S, Gachechiladze MA, Guo J, Chen X, Moudgil A, Cammack AJ, Hoisington-Lopez J, Crosby M, Brent MR, Mitra RD, Dougherty JD

PubMed ID: 37755132

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to Simona Sarafinovska.

Guo Y, Shen M, Dong Q, Méndez-Albelo NM, Huang SX, Sirois CL, Le J, Li M, Jarzembowski ED, Schoeller KA, Stockton ME, Horner VL, Sousa AMM, Gao Y; Birth Defects Research Laboratory; Levine JE, Wang D, Chang Q, Zhao X

PubMed ID: 37365192

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to Carissa Sirois.

Subramanian M, Mills WT IV, Paranjpe MD, Onuchukwu US, Inamdar M, Maytin AR, Li X, Pomerantz JL, Meffert MK

DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.108676

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to Megha Subramanian.

Weinschutz Mendes H, Neelakantan U, Liu Y, Fitzpatrick SE, Chen T, Wu W, Pruitt A, Jin DS, Jamadagni P, Carlson M, Lacadie CM, Enriquez KD, Li N, Zhao D, Ijaz S, Sakai C, Szi C, Rooney B, Ghosh M, Nwabudike I, Gorodezky A, Chowdhury S, Zaheer M, McLaughlin S, Fernandez JM, Wu J, Eilbott JA, Vander Wyk B, Rihel J, Papademetris X, Wang Z, Hoffman EJ

PubMed ID: 36933215

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to April Pruitt and an Undergraduate Summer Research Grant to Kristen Enriquez.

Pastore SF, Muhammad T, Stan C, Frankland PW, Hamel PA, Vincent JB

PubMed ID: 37990104

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to Stephen Pastore.

Bonefas KM, Vallianatos CN, Raines B, Tronson NC, Iwase S

PubMed ID: 36831303

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to Christina Vallianatos.

Shen M, Sirois CL, Guo Y, Li M, Dong Q, Méndez-Albelo NM, Gao Y, Khullar S, Kissel L, Sandoval SO, Wolkoff N, Huang SX, Xu Z, Bryan JE, Contractor AM, Korabelnikov T, Glass IA, Doherty D, Birth Defects Research Laboratory, Levine JE, Sousa AMM, Chang Q, Bhattacharyya A, Wang D, Werling DM, Zhao X

PubMed ID: 37820724

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to Carissa Sirois.

Improved earlier diagnosis

Ozonoff S, Hill MM, Hill A, Ashley K, Young GS

PubMed ID: 37033195

ASF supported this research through a BSRC Database Grant to Gregory Young.

Ahn YA, Moffitt JM, Tao Y, Custode S, Parlade M, Beaumont A, Cardona S, Hale M, Durocher J, Alessandri M, Shyu ML, Perry LK, Messinger DS

PubMed ID: 37103660

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to Yeojin Amy Ahn.

Interventions, services, and treatments

Hirst K, Zamzow RM,  Stichter JP, Beversdorf DQ

PubMed ID: 37892301

ASF supported this research through a Pre-Doctoral Training Award to Rachel Zamzow.

Tagavi DM, Ahlers K, Bravo A, McVey AJ, Locke J

PubMed ID: 37091539

ASF supported this research through an Early Career Award to Jill Locke.

Narzisi A, Halladay A, Masi G, Novarino G, Lord C

PubMed ID: 37854442

ASF Chief Science Officer Alycia Halladay co-authored this publication.

Understanding unique features

Singleton JL, Walker K, Meier RP, Shield A

DOI: 10.1080/10489223.2023.2272837

ASF supported this research through a Research Accelerator Award to Aaron Shield.

Williams ZJ, Schaaf R, Ausderau KK, Baranek GT, Barrett DJ, Cascio CJ, Dumont RL, Eyoh EE, Failla MD, Feldman JI, Foss-Feig JH, Green HL, Green SA, He JL, Kaplan-Kahn EA, Keçeli-Kaysılı B, MacLennan K, Mailloux Z, Marco EJ, Mash LE, McKernan EP, Molholm S, Mostofsky SH, Puts NAJ, Robertson CE, Russo N, Shea N, Sideris J, Sutcliffe JS, Tavassoli T, Wallace MT, Wodka EL, Woynaroski TG

PubMed ID: 37635263

ASF supported this research through an Undergraduate Summer Research Grant to Zachary Williams.

Gerber AH, Keluskar J, Lerner MD

PubMed ID: 37956102

ASF supported this research through a Covid Research Grant to Kathryn Hauschild.

Parenteau CI, Lampinen LA, Ghods SS, Taylor JL, Adams RE, Bishop SL, Zheng S

PubMed ID: 36689096

ASF supported this research through a Covid Research Grant to Shuting Zheng.

Hughes MM, Shaw KA, DiRienzo M, Durkin MS, Esler A, Hall-Lande J, Wiggins L, Zahorodny W, Singer A, Maenner MJ

PubMed ID: 37074176

ASF President Alison Singer co-authored this publication.

Day TC, Gerber A, McNair ML, Reicher D, Lerner MD

PubMed ID: 37222243

ASF supported this research through a Covid Research Grant to Kathryn Hauschild.


Pellicano E, Adams D, Crane L, Holingue C, Allen C, Almendinger K, Botha K, Haar T, Kapp SK, Wheeley E

DOI: 10.1177/13623613231174543

ASF supported this research through a Research Accelerator Award to Calliope Holingue.