Request for Applications:
2026 Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Awards
The Autism Science Foundation offers Training Awards for fellows interested in pursuing careers in basic and clinical research relevant to autism spectrum disorders.
The proposed training should be scientifically linked to autism, but may be broadened to include training in a closely related area of scientific research. The Autism Science Foundation will consider all areas of related basic and clinical research, including but not limited to: human behavior and co-occurring medical conditions across the lifespan (language, learning, behavior, communication, social function, motor skills & planning, epilepsy, sleep, repetitive disorders); neurobiology (anatomy, development, neuroimaging); pharmacology; studies that address disparities in access, care and research; improving research in underserved communities; neuropathology; genetics and gene/environment interactions; epigenetics; immunology; molecular and cellular mechanisms; studies employing model organisms and systems; intervention research (behavioral, pharmacological or a combination of the two), and studies of treatment and service delivery.
ASF welcomes scientific research in all fields. However, we are especially interested in projects which address previously under-researched communities. These include: profound autism, those with severe and challenging behaviors, and autism disparities in racial and ethnic minority groups or those with socioeconomic challenges.
The Autism Science Foundation will make a number of awards determined by its available financial resources.
Additional questions about proposal submission, proposal content and review, or applicant eligibility should be addressed to Alycia Halladay, Autism Science Foundation. (