New Webinar Series to Support Siblings

Siblings are special and need a little extra support during this time. ASF is teaming up with Els for Autism to bring you a new webinar series, Sam’s Sibs Stick Together, to present findings of research that focus on siblings, and discuss resources available for siblings of all ages.
Sibling Samantha Els, will be the ambassador of this series, as through her own experiences, she can help shine a light on the importance of sibling research and support.
We invite siblings, parents, and other caregivers to participate in this series, which will be the 2nd Tuesday each month at 2PM. Participation is free, but you must register to join.
On July 14th at 2 PM EST join us to continue our discussion with the panel of siblings, sharing how their families helped support their relationships with their siblings, what they wish they could tell their younger selves, and factors that improve resiliency.
View previous sessions below:
July 14
June 9
May 12