Podcast: The average age of diagnosis depends on where, when, and how you ask

Background: Variability of short-lived urinary pesticide metabolites during pregnancy raises challenges for exposure assessment.

Objectives: For urinary metabolite concentrations 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA) and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCPy), we assessed: (1) temporal variability; (2) variation of two urine specimens within a trimester; (3) reliability for pesticide concentrations from a single urine specimen to classify participants into exposure tertiles; and (4) seasonal or year variations.

Methods: Pregnant mothers (N = 166) in the MARBLES (Markers of Autism Risk in Babies-Learning Early Signs) Study provided urine specimens (n = 528). First morning void (FMV), pooled, and 24-h specimens were analyzed for 3-PBA and TCPy. For 9 mothers (n = 88 specimens), each urine specimen was analyzed separately (not pooled) to estimate within- and between-person variance components expressed as intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Pesticide concentrations from two specimens within a trimester were also assessed using ICC’s. Agreement for exposure classifications was assessed with weighted Cohen’s kappa statistics. Longitudinal mixed effect models were used to assess seasonal or year variations.

Results: Urinary pesticide metabolites were detected in ≥ 93% of specimens analyzed. The highest ICC from repeated individual specimens was from specific gravity-corrected FMV specimens for 3-PBA (ICC=0.13). Despite high within-person variability, the median concentrations did not differ across trimesters. Concentrations from pooled specimens had substantial agreement predicting exposure categories for TCPy (K = 0.67, 95% CI (0.59, 0.76)) and moderate agreement for 3-PBA (K = 0.59, 95% CI (0.49, 0.69)). TCPy concentrations significantly decreased from 2007 to 2014.

Conclusions: Pooled specimens may improve exposure classification and reduce laboratory costs for compounds with short biological half-lives in epidemiological studies.

Keywords: Exposure; Longitudinal; Pesticides; Pregnancy; Variability.

Genomic association studies of common or rare protein-coding variation have established robust statistical approaches to account for multiple testing. Here we present a comparable framework to evaluate rare and de novo noncoding single-nucleotide variants, insertion/deletions, and all classes of structural variation from whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Integrating genomic annotations at the level of nucleotides, genes, and regulatory regions, we define 51,801 annotation categories. Analyses of 519 autism spectrum disorder families did not identify association with any categories after correction for 4,123 effective tests. Without appropriate correction, biologically plausible associations are observed in both cases and controls. Despite excluding previously identified gene-disrupting mutations, coding regions still exhibited the strongest associations. Thus, in autism, the contribution of de novo noncoding variation is probably modest in comparison to that of de novo coding variants. Robust results from future WGS studies will require large cohorts and comprehensive analytical strategies that consider the substantial multiple-testing burden.

The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the number of identified ASD-related genes have increased in recent years. The SETD5 gene encodes a SET-containing-domain 5 protein, a likely reader enzyme. Genetic evidences suggest that SETD5 malfunction contributes to ASD phenotype, such as on intellectual disability (ID) and facial dysmorphism. In this review, we mapped the clinical phenotypes of individuals carrying mutations on the SETD5 gene that are associated with ASD and other chromatinopathies (mutation in epigenetic modifiers that leads to the development of neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD). After a detailed systematic literature review and analysis of public disease-related databank, we found so far 42 individuals carrying mutations on the SETD5 gene, with 23.8% presenting autistic-like features. Furthermore, most of mutations occurred between positions 9,480,000-9,500,000 bp on chromosome 3 (3p25.3) at the SETD5 gene locus. In all males, mutations in SETD5 presented high penetrance, while in females the clinical phenotype seems more variable with two reported cases showing normal female carriers and not presenting ASD or any ID-like symptoms. At the molecular level, SETD5 interacts with proteins of PAF1C and N-CoR complexes, leading to a possible involvement with chromatin modification pathway, which plays important roles for brain development. Together, we propose that mutations on the SETD5 gene could lead to a new syndromic condition in males, which is linked to 3p25 syndrome, and can leads to ASD-related intellectual disability and facial dysmorphism. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 78: 500-518, 2018.

Keywords: SETD5 gene; SETD5 syndrome; autism spectrum disorder; genetic variants; intellectual disability; syndromic autism.

The genetic basis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is known to consist of contributions from de novo mutations in variant-intolerant genes. We hypothesize that rare inherited structural variants in cis-regulatory elements (CRE-SVs) of these genes also contribute to ASD. We investigated this by assessing the evidence for natural selection and transmission distortion of CRE-SVs in whole genomes of 9274 subjects from 2600 families affected by ASD. In a discovery cohort of 829 families, structural variants were depleted within promoters and untranslated regions, and paternally inherited CRE-SVs were preferentially transmitted to affected offspring and not to their unaffected siblings. The association of paternal CRE-SVs was replicated in an independent sample of 1771 families. Our results suggest that rare inherited noncoding variants predispose children to ASD, with differing contributions from each parent.

2019Alycia Halladay

Access to early intensive behavioral intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder is commonly recommended. Intervention programs may include high rates of instructional trials, which may evoke escape-maintained problem behavior. Recent research on “pairing” or “rapport-building” interventions have sought to reduce the likelihood that problem behavior occurs during instruction using antecedent manipulations. The current study evaluated a structured intervention that included differential reinforcement and demand fading to increase participants’ response allocation to instructional settings without the use of physical guidance. Nine minimally verbal girls under the age of 6 years with autism spectrum disorder enrolled in the study. The protocol was effective for seven of the nine participants. One participant did not complete the protocol due to competing behavior and an additional participant did not require the intervention. Our findings suggest that the structured intervention was effective in increasing appropriate behavioral repertoires that are necessary for children with autism spectrum disorder to effectively benefit from early educational programs.

2019Alycia Halladay

2019Alycia Halladay