Partners in School: An Innovative Parent-Teacher Consultation Model for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Little research examines the best ways to improve communication between parents and teachers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and its effect on child outcomes. The present study tests an innovative parent-teacher consultation model, entitled Partners in School. The goal of Partners in School is to improve parent-teacher communication aboutevidence-based practices (EBPs), and subsequently, outcomes for children with ASD. Participants were 26 teachers and 49 parents of children with ASD from a large urban public school district. Parents and teachers completed measures of their communication and child outcomes prior to and after receiving consultation through Partners in School. Results indicated that parents and teachers perceived improvements in child outcomes after participation inPartners in School. Changes in parent-teacher communication also were associated with changes in some child outcomes. Discussionhighlights the important role of communication inconsultations targeting family-school partnerships for children with ASD.

Keywords: autism; autism spectrum disorder; consultation; family-school partnerships; parent-teacher communication; parent-teacher relationships.

Little research examines the best ways to improve communication between parents and teachers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and its effect on child outcomes. The present study tests an innovative parent-teacher consultation model, entitled Partners in School. The goal of Partners in School is to improve parent-teacher communication aboutevidence-based practices (EBPs), and subsequently, outcomes for children with ASD. Participants were 26 teachers and 49 parents of children with ASD from a large urban public school district. Parents and teachers completed measures of their communication and child outcomes prior to and after receiving consultation through Partners in School. Results indicated that parents and teachers perceived improvements in child outcomes after participation inPartners in School. Changes in parent-teacher communication also were associated with changes in some child outcomes. Discussionhighlights the important role of communication inconsultations targeting family-school partnerships for children with ASD.

Keywords: autism; autism spectrum disorder; consultation; family-school partnerships; parent-teacher communication; parent-teacher relationships.

Several interventions have demonstrated efficacy in improving social outcomes for children with autism; however, few have been successfully implemented in schools. This study compared two implementation strategies to improve the use of a social engagement intervention for children with autism in public schools. In total, 31 children with autism in grades K-5 and 28 school personnel participated in a randomized controlled trial. Schools were randomized to (1) training in Remaking Recess, a social engagement intervention, or (2) training in Remaking Recess with implementation support. Linear regression with random effects was used to test the intervention effects on implementation fidelity and social outcomes (peer engagement, social network inclusion, and friendship nominations). In both groups, implementation fidelity improved after training but remained low. Children in the Remaking Recess with implementation support condition had significantly higher social network inclusion and received more friendship nominations than children in the Remaking Recess-only condition (p = 0.03). Children in both groups experienced reduced solitary engagement (p < 0.001) and increased joint engagement (p < 0.001). The results suggest that implementation supports may have an effect on outcomes above and beyond the intervention, and that further research is needed into the active intervention mechanisms.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; implementation; school; social engagement intervention.

Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder; Oxytocin; Reward; fMRI.

Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder may influence alliance in psychotherapy. This study examined therapeutic alliance and its relationship with child characteristics and anxiety treatment outcomes in youth with autism spectrum disorder. Youth ( N = 64) with autism spectrum disorder and co-occurring anxiety (7-16 years, IQ > 70) received 16 sessions of modular cognitive-behavioral therapy. Post-treatment therapist, youth and parent ratings of alliance as well as pre- and post-treatment ratings of child behavior were gathered. Ratings of alliance were commensurate to ratings seen in children without autism spectrum disorder. Measures of treatment outcome, but not pretreatment characteristics, were significantly associated with therapist ratings of alliance strength. Data suggest that therapeutic alliance may not be impaired in anxious youth with autism spectrum disorder and may be associated with treatment outcome.

Keywords: anxiety; autism spectrum disorder; cognitive-behavioral therapy; therapeutic alliance.

2018Alycia Halladay