BEAPP: The Batch Electroencephalography Automated Processing Platform

Electroencephalography (EEG) offers information about brain function relevant to a variety of neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders. EEG contains complex, high-temporal-resolution information, and computational assessment maximizes our potential to glean insight from this information. Here we present the Batch EEG Automated Processing Platform (BEAPP), an automated, flexible EEG processing platform incorporating freely available software tools for batch processing of multiple EEG files across multiple processing steps. BEAPP does not prescribe a specified EEG processing pipeline; instead, it allows users to choose from a menu of options for EEG processing, including steps to manage EEG files collected across multiple acquisition setups (e.g., for multisite studies), minimize artifact, segment continuous and/or event-related EEG, and perform basic analyses. Overall, BEAPP aims to streamline batch EEG processing, improve accessibility to computational EEG assessment, and increase reproducibility of results.

Keywords: EEG; MATLAB; automated; batch; electroencephalography; reproducibility; signal processing.

Background: Social communication impairments associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a multi-faceted phenomenon that encapsulates a broad range of skills with Theory of Mind (ToM) as a key component. Early Theory of Mind (ToM) skills, such as joint attention, typically develop during infancy and provide a foundation for the co-emergence of affect regulation via social referencing. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) demonstrate delays and impairments in the development of ToM, and up to 40% of children with ASD also experience co-occurring symptoms of anxiety and poor affect regulation. Method: Using parent report, this cross-sectional study aimed to characterise the relationship between ToM competency and anxiety, and explore how specific ToM deficits may confer vulnerability to anxiety in children (4–8 years old) with ASD. Results: Early ToM skills, such as joint attention and social referencing, mediated the relationship between broader social communication impairments and anxiety symptom severity in children with ASD. Conclusions: Increasing competency of early ToM skills might provide additional therapeutic benefits for clinical interventions targeting anxiety in children with ASD.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Theory of Mind (ToM)
Joint attention

Recent studies suggest that circumscribed interests (CI) in females with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may align more closely with interests reported in typical female development than those typically reported for ASD males. We used eye-tracking to quantify attention to arrays containing combinations of male, female and neutral images in elementary-aged males and females with and without ASD. A number of condition × sex effects emerged, with both groups attending to images that corresponded with interests typically associated with their biological sex. Diagnostic effects reported in similar studies were not replicated in our modified design. Our findings of more typical attention patterns to gender-typical images in ASD females is consistent with evidence of sex differences in CI and inconsistent with the “Extreme Male Brain” theory of ASD.

Keywords: Circumscribed interests; Extreme Male Brain theory; Eye-tracking; Females; Sex differences.

Lack of interest in social interaction is a hallmark of autism spectrum disorder. Animal studies have implicated the mesolimbic reward pathway in driving and reinforcing social behaviour, but little is known about the integrity of this pathway and its behavioural consequences in children with autism spectrum disorder. Here we test the hypothesis that the structural and functional integrity of the mesolimbic reward pathway is aberrant in children with autism spectrum disorder, and these aberrancies contribute to the social interaction impairments. We examine structural and functional connectivity of the mesolimbic reward pathway in two independent cohorts totalling 82 children aged 7-13 years with autism spectrum disorder and age-, gender-, and intelligence quotient-matched typically developing children (primary cohort: children with autism spectrum disorder n = 24, typically developing children n = 24; replication cohort: children with autism spectrum disorder n = 17, typically developing children n = 17), using high angular resolution diffusion-weighted imaging and functional MRI data. We reliably identify white matter tracts linking-the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area-key subcortical nodes of the mesolimbic reward pathway, and provide reproducible evidence for structural aberrations in these tracts in children with autism spectrum disorder. Further, we show that structural aberrations are accompanied by aberrant functional interactions between nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area in response to social stimuli. Crucially, we demonstrate that both structural and functional circuit aberrations in the mesolimbic reward pathway are related to parent-report measures of social interaction impairments in affected children. Our findings, replicated across two independent cohorts, reveal that deficits in the mesolimbic reward pathway contribute to impaired social skills in childhood autism, and provide fundamental insights into neurobiological mechanisms underlying reduced social interest in humans.

Children with autism spectrum disorder present with a variety of social communication deficits such as atypicalities in social gaze and verbal and non-verbal communication delays as well as perceptuo-motor deficits like motor incoordination and dyspraxia. In this study, we had the unique opportunity to study praxis performance in deaf children with and without autism spectrum disorder in a fingerspelling context using American Sign Language. A total of 11 deaf children with autism spectrum disorder and 11 typically developing deaf children aged between 5 and 14 years completed a fingerspelling task. Children were asked to fingerspell 15 different words shown on an iPad. We coded various praxis errors and fingerspelling time. The deaf children with autism spectrum disorder had greater errors in pace, sequence precision, accuracy, and body part use and also took longer to fingerspell each word. Additionally, the deaf children with autism spectrum disorder had poor receptive language skills and this strongly correlated with their praxis performance and autism severity. These findings extend the evidence for dyspraxia in hearing children with autism spectrum disorder to deaf children with autism spectrum disorder. Poor sign language production in children with autism spectrum disorder may contribute to their poor gestural learning/comprehension and vice versa. Our findings have therapeutic implications for children with autism spectrum disorder when teaching sign language.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; children; deaf; fingerspelling; praxis; receptive communication; sign language.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often accompanied by deficits in speech and language processing. Speech processing relies heavily on the integration of auditory and visual information, and it has been suggested that the ability to detect correspondence between auditory and visual signals helps to lay the foundation for successful language development. The goal of the present study was to examine whether young children with ASD show reduced sensitivity to temporal asynchronies in a speech processing task when compared to typically developing controls, and to examine how this sensitivity might relate to language proficiency. Using automated eye tracking methods, we found that children with ASD failed to demonstrate sensitivity to asynchronies of 0.3s, 0.6s, or 1.0s between a video of a woman speaking and the corresponding audio track. In contrast, typically developing children who were language-matched to the ASD group, were sensitive to both 0.6s and 1.0s asynchronies. We also demonstrated that individual differences in sensitivity to audiovisual asynchronies and individual differences in orientation to relevant facial features were both correlated with scores on a standardized measure of language abilities. Results are discussed in the context of attention to visual language and audio-visual processing as potential precursors to language impairment in ASD. Autism Res 2018, 11: 645-653. © 2018 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Keywords: audio-visual synchrony; autism; eye-tracking; language development.

Although the DSM-5 added sensory symptoms as a criterion for ASC, there is a group of children who display sensory symptoms but do not have ASC; children with sensory processing disorder (SPD). To be able to differentiate these two disorders, our aim was to evaluate whether children with ASC show more sensory symptomatology and/or different cognitive styles in empathy and systemizing compared to children with SPD and typically developing (TD) children. The study included 210 participants: 68 children with ASC, 79 with SPD and 63 TD children. The Sensory Processing Scale Inventory was used to measure sensory symptoms, the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) to measure autistic traits, and the Empathy Quotient (EQ) and Systemizing Quotient (SQ) to measure cognitive styles. Across groups, a greater sensory symptomatology was associated with lower empathy. Further, both the ASC and SPD groups showed more sensory symptoms than TD children. Children with ASC and SPD only differed on sensory under-reactivity. The ASD group did, however, show lower empathy and higher systemizing scores than the SPD group. Together, this suggest that sensory symptoms alone may not be adequate to differentiate children with ASC and SPD but that cognitive style measures could be used for differential diagnosis.

Keywords: Autism spectrum conditions; Empathy; Sensory processing disorder; Sensory symptoms; Systemizing.

Although reduced social attention and increased nonsocial attention have been reported in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the studies have relied on predominantly male samples and have been underpowered to examine sex differences. These processes may differ for females with ASD, who have been shown to be dissimilar to males in social motivation and nonsocial features, including circumscribed interests (CI). The goal of this study was to compare social and nonsocial visual attention between males and females with ASD on a validated eye-tracking paradigm. Eighty-five school-aged (6-10 years) males and females with and without ASD completed a paired preference task of face and object stimuli (half of which related to common CI). After covarying for chronological and mental age, the presence of concurrently presented CI images reduced prioritization and attention to faces for males more than females, replicating previous findings. ASD females maintained comparable attention patterns to typically developing females, suggesting that previous findings of reduced social attention and increased attention to CI-related objects in autism may be specific to males. These findings are also inconsistent with the “extreme male brain” theory of autism. The more normative orienting and attention to social stimuli for females with ASD may indicate distinct phenotypic characteristics relative to males and possibly serve as a protective effect. Autism Res 2018, 11: 1264-1275. © 2018 International Society for Autism Research, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. LAY SUMMARY: As autism is more commonly diagnosed in males, less is known about females with autism. Two areas of interest include the interests held by individuals with autism and how socially motivated they are. We used eye tracking as a way to understand these two areas. Our data reveal that elementary school-aged females (6-10 years) with autism attended to faces comparatively to females without autism, suggesting that (1) they were more socially motivated than males with autism and (2) the images of common interests were less motivating to them.

Keywords: circumscribed interests; eye‐tracking; females; social motivation.

This study used social network analysis to evaluate whether sex heterophily, the degree to which peers are different in sex, between 126 children with autism (ages 5-12 years) and their peers affected social network connectivity. Results indicate that: (1) the quantity and sex of friends were more important in predicting social network connectivity than the relational characteristics of the friends (friendship nominations and social network salience/popularity); and (2) sex heterophily is an important factor in predicting social network connectivity. For males with autism, having friends of the same sex was associated with better social network connectivity; this was not true for females with autism. These findings have important implications for the selection of peer models for elementary-aged children with autism.

Keywords: Autism; Peer models; Peer relationships; Schools; Sex; Social networks.

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are increasingly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by sociocommunicative impairments. Growing consensus indicates that neurobehavioral abnormalities require explanation in terms of interconnected networks. Despite theoretical speculations about increased local and reduced distal connectivity, links between local and distal functional connectivity have not been systematically investigated in ASDs. Specifically, it remains open whether hypothesized local overconnectivity may reflect isolated versus overly integrative processing. Resting state functional MRI data from 57 children and adolescents with ASDs and 51 typically developing (TD) participants were included. In regional homogeneity (ReHo) analyses, pericalcarine visual cortex was found be locally overconnected (ASD > TD). Using this region as seed in whole-brain analyses, we observed overconnectivity in distal regions, specifically middle frontal gyri, for an ASD subgroup identified through k-means clustering. While in this subgroup local occipital to distal frontal overconnectivity was associated with greater symptom severity, a second subgroup showed the opposite pattern of connectivity and symptom severity correlations. Our findings suggest that increased local connectivity in ASDs is region-specific and may be partially associated with more integrative long-distance connectivity. Results also highlight the need to test for subtypes, as differential patterns of brain-behavior links were observed in two distinct subgroups of our ASD cohort.

Keywords: autism; frontal cortex; functional connectivity MRI; local connectivity; visual cortex.

Background: The objective of this study was to examine intrinsic whole-brain functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using the framework of functional segregation and integration. Emphasis was given to potential gender and developmental effects as well as identification of specific networks that may contribute to the global results.

Methods: We leveraged an open data resource (N = 1587) of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data in the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) initiative, combining data from more than 2100 unique cross-sectional datasets in ABIDE I and ABIDE II collected at different sites. Modularity and global efficiency were utilized to assess functional segregation and integration, respectively. A meta-analytic approach for handling site differences was used. The effects of age, gender, and diagnostic category on segregation and integration were assessed using linear regression.

Results: Modularity decreased nonlinearly in the ASD group with age, as evidenced by an increase and then decrease over development. Global efficiency had an opposite relationship with age by first decreasing and then increasing in the ASD group. Both modularity and global efficiency remained largely stable in the typically developing control group during development, representing a significantly different effect than seen in the ASD group. Age effects on modularity were localized to the somatosensory network. Finally, a marginally significant interaction between age, gender, and diagnostic category was found for modularity.

Conclusions: Our results support prior work that suggested a quadratic effect of age on brain development in ASD, while providing new insights about the specific characteristics of developmental and gender effects on intrinsic connectivity in ASD.

Keywords: ABIDE; Age; Autism; Functional connectivity; Functional integration; Gender.