Statement from the Autism Science Foundation

At this tragic moment in our nation’s history, we at the Autism Science Foundation are deeply concerned about the patterns of injustice that have proven so difficult to overcome. Unacceptable racial disparities in autism diagnosis and access to services have been evident for decades. African-American children are less likely to be diagnosed, have a later age of diagnosis, and are often unable to access needed services. The Autism Science Foundation is committed to ensuring change in this area, through our support of scientific initiatives and projects that help narrow these gaps for families. These include studies to both understand and specifically address the sources of these inequalities in specific populations. This is not an issue that one autism organization or foundation should be addressing alone; this is a problem that should bring the entire autism community together to ensure that all people, regardless of race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status are able to receive timely evaluation and high-quality interventions.
We are proud that inclusivity has always been a priority for our organization and look forward to collaborating with scientists, family members, self-advocates and other stakeholders to provide opportunities for all individuals with autism and their families.