Well-Being and Traumatic Experiences in Autistic Youth
What's the study about?
We are looking for autistic youth (14-21 years old) and their parents to participate in a study about experiences of mental health, trauma, and well-being in autistic youth. Participants will take part in a one-time interview (online or in person, between 30-60 minutes) and complete a short survey. For youth, we can do the interview in a way that is comfortable for you, like speaking, emailing, or chatting. Participants will receive a $50 gift card for completing the study. To learn more or to participate, email bu.autism.wellbeing@gmail.com, text (617) 651-0214, or visit www.bu.edu/autismconnections.
Who can participate?
What will participants be doing?
Participants will each take part in a one-time interview (online or in person, between 30-60 minutes) and complete a short demographics survey. For youth, we can do the interview in a way that is comfortable for you, like speaking, emailing, or chatting.
Why is this important?
This study will help us better understand experiences that are traumatic for autistic youth and how they relate to youth mental health. This information will help us to develop supports and interventions to promote mental health and well-being among autistic youth.