Research study on child development in autism
What's the study about?
Our goal is to understand the everyday experiences of autistic children and their younger siblings. We document children’s behaviors and experiences at home, as they go about their daily routines. We seek to describe: how children play, learn words, and develop motor skills.
Who can participate?
Child is between 1-4 years old, either has an autism diagnosis or an older sibling with an autism diagnosis, child’s first language is English, and child lives within 3 hours of Tuscaloosa, AL.
What will participants be doing?
A researcher will visit your home for 2 to 4 hours. During their visit, the researcher will record you and your child as you go about your usual routine. The researcher will ask you questions about your child’s motor development, language learning, and your experiences as a parent.
Why is this important?
Our research is important because it seeks to understand behaviors and development in their natural context – the daily lives of children.