Autistic adults: share your experiences with challenging walking environments!
What's the study about?
We are looking for autistic adults who are willing to share their experiences with walking. We want to understand what types of physical and sensory contexts they find challenging. Participation involves uploading a photo of a challenging environment and answering a few questions about it. A person can participate as many times as they want to, it takes about 10-15 minutes per photo.
Who can participate?
18 years of age or older and identify as autistic, on the spectrum, Aspie, or a person with autism/Asperger’s
What will participants be doing?
Participation involves uploading a photo of a challenging environment and answering a few questions about it. A person can participate as many times as they want to, it takes about 10-15 minutes per photo. Participation is anonymous and can be done whenever and wherever it is convenient.
Why is this important?
We want to understand what types of physical and sensory contexts autistic adults find challenging in order to determine how to make the environment easier to navigate. This could futuristically influence universal design guidelines to make environments easier for autistic adults to navigate.