Promoting Early Intervention Timing and Attention to Language (PETAL)
What's the study about?
Researchers at the UMass Chan Medical School are interested in learning more about the language and social communication skills of children with siblings of autism.
Who can participate?
Children 6-8 months of age and has an older sibling with autism.
What will participants be doing?
Parent fills out questionnaires. Developmentally appropriate screening tool, activity cards, toy, and book given to families trimonthly. Weekly virtual social and communication coaching sessions for parents. Assessments of language skills, cognitive skills, and brain activity. Parent and baby will be videotaped while they play. Baby wears a digital recording device in a vest to record a day’s language environment. Standardized assessment of autism symptoms of 24 months. This study will take about 16-18 months (until the child is 24 months of age) and can take a total of 60 hours to 82 hours.
Why is this important?
You may benefit from this support by receiving detailed information about your child’s language and communication skills both before the support begins and after the support is completed. The results of the research may also contribute to society by enhancing our knowledge of intervening on social communication. Further, benefits that you and your child may derive from the support may lead to greater benefits for all children that have siblings with autism.